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POLREC call for projects for the internationalization of SMEs in the recycling industry launched
The European POLREC project (Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling) has launched its Call for Projects for the Internationalization of SMEs in the polymer and elastomer recycling industry. Opened on March 22, 2024, it closes on May 22, 2024 at midday CET. This call aims to support SMEs working in the polymers and elastomers sectors in their participation in trade fairs and networking events in Europe (Networking sub-grant) and/or in an exploratory and match-making mission (International Match-making mission sub-grant) in the province of Quebec, Canada, on polymer recycling solutions (mechanical, chemical and digital).
Networking sub-grant
- 22 - 26 April 2024: Hannover Messe - Germany, Hannover
- 13 - 17 May 2024: IFAT Munich - Germany, Munich
- 22 - 23 May 2024: ASSFIP - France, Douai
- 27 - 30 May 2024: EMAF - Portugal, Porto
- 4 - 7 June 2024: France Innovation Plasturgie (FIP) - France, Lyon
- 18 - 20 June 2024: SRR (International recovery and recycling trade fair) - Spain, Madrid
- 19 - 20 June 2024: Plastics Recycling Show Europe - Netherlands, Amsterdam
- 26 - 27 June 2024: E-Waste World - Germany, Frankfurt
- 1 - 4 July 2024: DKT 2024 (rubber) - Germany, Nuremberg
- 11 - 12 Sept 2024: Plastics Recycling World Expo Europe - Belgium, Brussels
- 8- 9 Oct 2024: R4 Composites - France, Toulouse
- 9 - 11 Oct 2024: IRC 2024 - Turkiye, Istanbul
- 15 - 19 Oct 2024: FAKUMA - Germany, Friedrichshafen
- 28 - 30 Oct 2024: Recycling Week 2024 - Italy, Rome
- 26 - 27 Nov 2024: Pollutec Paris France Paris - France, Paris
International Match-making mission sub-grant
- Pre-financing of up to €1,250 (defined according to the total number of participants in the mission) of the sub-grant will be transferred to the winner upon proof of payment of up to €1,250 to the service provider indicated by POLREC. This pre-payment is intended to cover the costs of event organization, transport and logistics for the mission, and must be made before October 31, 2024. The pre-payment will be transferred in November 2024 by Polymeris, upon receipt of proof of payment from the successful applicant. If a selected applicant fails to provide proof of payment within the deadline, he/she will be withdrawn from the assignment and his/her grant will be transferred to an applicant on the waiting list.
- Final funding equivalent to the amount of the remaining grant (i.e. between €2350 and €2430, depending on the amount of pre-payment) will be paid to the applicant after participation in the assignment and the drafting of a short report on the impact of the assignment on the SME's internationalization strategy, within two months of the end of the assignment.
Availability and further information :
This call is open to SMEs located in an EU member state and in countries associated with the Single Market Program 2023 and 2024. Eligible sectors include transport, construction, renewable energies, digital, health, industrial and food packaging. Applicant SMEs must demonstrate that they are developing projects related to the recycling of plastic, rubber or composite waste. Application evaluation criteria are detailed in section 9 of the Application Guide.
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