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What are the sources of recyclable plastics in healthcare establishments?
What are the obstacles and levers for accelerating the collection of used, unsoiled plastics from the healthcare sector, and for integrating these recycled plastics into medical products (secondary packaging, Class I DM)?
What are the impacts of current and future regulations?
The aim will be to build on existing studies and experiments, but also to call on healthcare establishments, manufacturers and recyclers to characterize the ways in which plastics can be recycled in healthcare, and to assess the level of maturity of players in the field.
Some of you were asked in 2023 about your interest in this study. We would like to thank you for your feedback, most of which was favorable to the implementation of this study, and we now need your financial support for its realization.
This study, valued at around 50k€, has received the support of ADEME with a contribution of around 70%. We are now looking for a number of players to co-finance the study and contribute the remaining 30% (15-20k€).
On the basis of an initial survey, we estimate that 15 to 20 structures could potentially participate in supporting the study. The maximum amount requested to contribute to the study will therefore be 1000 euros. If you are more numerous, the contribution requested will be lower. So don't hesitate to spread the word, as this will reduce the amount you have to contribute!
Webinar EVAPLUS presentation
Webinar to present in more detail the milestones of the study on the recovery of used plastics in healthcare. What is the scope, duration, partners involved, etc.? This will also be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have, so don't hesitate to register.
If you're not available, a replay will be available a few hours later on the Polymeris website!