ACD Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the Cluster Energies Stockage, the Cluster Européen de la Céramique, Polymeris and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region join forces to organize a webinar on materials for hydrogen storage.
Provisional program:
9h30: Introduction
9h40: Hydrogen storage: status report - technologies, material issues, brakes and opportunities - Jean-Louis BOBET, ICMC
10h10: The regulatory framework - Dominique PERREUX, MaHyTec
10h30: The Nouvelle-Aquitaine network of research on energy transition (R3 TEsLA) and the mapping of laboratories' competences around the subject of materials for storage - Pierre CEZAC, UPPA
10h40: Pitch on some innovative projects around materials for hydrogen storage:
- Hyperbaric storage tanks, Pprime
- Hydrogen storage in innovative hybrid materials - Christelle MIQUEU, LFCR UPPA
- Ceramic electrodes: hydrogen insertion/uninsertion - Nicolas GLANDUT, IRCER
- Hydrogen fracture of materials, Xavier FEAUGAS, LASIE
- Pitch 5 to be confirmed
11h45 – 12h00: Break
12h00: Panel discussion on the storage of tomorrow with the participation of CANOE (Christophe MAGRO), ARKEMA (Jean-Paul MOULIN), CMP Composites (Jérôme BENABES), ICMCB (Jean-Louis BOBET)
12h50: Conclusion
Contact: Uyxing VONGSAYSY - uyxing.vongsaysy@polymeris.fr / +33 (0)6 42 64 42 79