LAB'O à Orléans
The Industrial Club of PREDA MATEX (Ambition Research and Development Project financed by the Centre-Val de Loire region) aims to bring together players in the field of multi-materials in extreme conditions. It enables researchers to be at the heart of the present and future needs of industrialists and contributes to the scientific resourcing of the sector.
The Industrialists' Club aims to be a privileged place for creativity; it welcomes the various players with a view to setting up partnerships, particularly for the purpose of technology transfer.
This club allows :
- to make known the new needs of RDI (Research Development Innovation) and training of industrialists,
- to promote the R&D work of the projects resulting from the PREDA,
- to be a support for the promotion of this RDA, including the large and rare instrumental park of MATEX,
- and to support the creation of a Carnot Institute.
The next Club meeting will take place on June 21, 2022 in Orleans at LAB'O (1 avenue du Champ de Mars, Orleans).
Visits (CRESITT, Industry LAB, DWS, Lasalys and LAB'O/Technopole d'Orléans), Club animation and B to B meetings are scheduled.
A need for multi-materials in extreme conditions, come and meet the MATEX member laboratories: CEMHTI, ICARE, ICMN, LAME, GREMI, GREMAN, ISTO, PCM2E, PRISME
The co-leaders of the MATEX Industrial Club, Marc BOUCHEZ, MBDA, Olivier GILLE and Martin PAJOT, Polymeris, Catherine BESSADA, CNRS-CEMHTI and Natacha OLIVIER, Technopole of Orléans, matex.cdi@cnrs-orleans.fr