France Innovation Defense & Security Meetings

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  • France Innovation Defense & Security Meetings


The 100% online BtoB day dedicated to Defence and Security

A 100% online business convention

Access the latest innovations and technological developments in the ecosystem in just a few clicks thanks to our secure "visios rooms"!

Identify your future partners and maximise your R.O.I. thanks to an optimised meeting process:

  • No travel costs or time
  • Organise your meetings according to your availability on the day
  • Meet qualified profiles through programmed business meetings using matchmaking and search filters

Are you involved in defence and want to present your innovations or find out about the next trends in your sector ?

  • Meet the key players and decision-makers in the sector.
  • Find your future partners thanks to qualified BtoB meetings.
  • Showcase your innovative solutions.
  • Expand your network.

Are you looking for innovations and new suppliers to finalise your projects ?

  • Find solutions by meetings innovative suppliers
  • Optimise your time and meetings by identifying offers in advance
  • Stay competitive by discovering the next trends in the sector

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