The SFIP - Société Française des Ingénieurs des Plastiques - organizes on 16 and 17 June 2021 a congress devoted to the deployment of industry 4.0 technologies and innovations in tooling, machines and manufacturing processes in plastics processing.
This event will illustrate concretely how the dual digital and industrial transformation opens new perspectives to plastics manufacturers to improve competitiveness and flexibility, reduce the design phases and optimise the quality, functionality and performance of the products produced.
The companies Arconic, ARRK Shapers, Billion, Dedienne, Kistler, Pernoud, Trexel and many others will speak on these topics.
Program: https://www.sfip-plastic.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/SFIP-Programme-Plasturgie-Juin2021.pdf
Registration: SFIP : Inscription | Registration (sfip-plastic.org)
Contact : pauline.desportes@sfip-plastic.org - Tel. +33 (0)6 37 53 52 68